Now Hiring for Late Nite shifts (10 pm- 4 am)
Grill cook/fry cook/cashier.
Must work weekends.
Starting pay is $10.50/hr. + tips.
Fill out an online application below or...
-Pick up an application at the take out window or e-mail a request for an application to [email protected].
-Resumes will also be accepted at the shop or attached to an e-mail.
-Feel free to send any questions to [email protected]
Now Hiring for Late Nite shifts (10 pm- 4 am)
Grill cook/fry cook/cashier.
Must work weekends.
Starting pay is $10.50/hr. + tips.
Fill out an online application below or...
-Pick up an application at the take out window or e-mail a request for an application to [email protected].
-Resumes will also be accepted at the shop or attached to an e-mail.
-Feel free to send any questions to [email protected]